After a two year covid related break the annual Christmas Day swim returns to Emy Lake. Monaghan Branch of Parents and Friends with an Intellectual Disability are delighted to welcome back swimmers and spectators to their fundraising event. Parents and Friends provide accommodation for persons with intellectual disabilities in the North Monaghan area.
The swim will take place at 1 pm sharp at Emy Lake, swimmers are encouraged to arrive in good time so they can register and use the changing facilities. A hot drink will be available after the swim.
This year Parents and Friends will donate the proceeds to another local charity, Errigal Trough Special Needs, a day activation centre for adults with physical/intellectual disabilities, to fund respite for service users and their families in 2023.
If you would like to make a donation or sponsor a swimmer you can do this via GoFundMe, or pass your donation to any Parent and Friends representative who will be identifiable at the swim.
Dynpna Moran, Secretary, Monaghan Branch of Parents and Friends.