Brookevale House

In 2008, Brookvale House was inaugurated by President Mary McAleese as part of the Milltown site’s second phase. However, it was not until 2010 that its new occupants moved in. Unlike previous projects that involved renovating existing buildings, this residence was purpose-built to accommodate seven residents.


Contact: Tracey Maguire
Phone: 047 30881
Email: Maguire

Aims and objectives of the designated centre

The service will provide appropriate quality care and support to individuals aged 18 years old or over with an Intellectual Disability and who are assessed as requiring this input to enable them to live as independently as possible in his/her own community.


Residency details

Brookvale House provides a full range of care and support needs for a maximum of 7
residents aged 18 years old or over with an intellectual disability. The residents require
medium to high care and support.

Registered Bed Numbers: The maximum number of persons that may be accommodated is 7.
Age range of residents to be accommodated: Woodlands offers accommodation to residents aged 18 years old or over.
Gender of residents to be accommodated: Woodlands offers accommodation for male and female residents.

Specific care and support needs :

Brookvale house provides a full range of care and support needs for a maximum of 7
residents aged 18 years old or over with an intellectual disability. The residents require
medium to high care and support.

The service endeavours to meet the following needs. (Please note that the following is not
an exhaustive list)

Housing Support

  • Assistance acquiring essential household items
  •  Locating essential local services
  • Paying bills
  • Maintaining the property
  • Safety issues
  • Signposting to specialist services
  • Budgeting
  • Good neighbour / dealing with disputes
  • Essential daily living tasks
  • Emotional support
  • Supporting people to comply with treatment
  • Where appropriate, notifying agencies of concerns about a service user

Care Tasks

  • Administering medications
    Health care
  • Specific rehabilitation tasks
  •  Intensive / therapeutic behaviour management
  • Supervision of people at night – time
  • Personal care ( Intimate care)
  • Diabetes Management
  • Manual handling

Therapeutic support

Service Users are offered a range of therapeutic supports via the HSE and other recognised therapies such as:-

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech and Language
  •  Dietician
  • Chiropodist
  • G.P
  • Reflexology In Daycare
  • Specialist Behavioural Support/Behaviour Consultancy
  • Community Psychiatric Care

Residents are supported by Care staff to attend therapies as required. Our staff ensures that residents are supported to attend registered professionals when
accessing therapies.

If costs are incurred by residents for any therapeutic supports, these costs are detailed within the residents bills agreements.

Social activities, hobbies and leisure interests

Brookevale will try to make it possible for residents to live their lives as fully as possible. In particular, it will do the following:-

  • As part of the moving-in/commencement of service process, residents will be encouraged to share as much information as possible about their social, cultural and leisure interests.
  • Residents will be helped to continue to enjoy a range of individual and group activities and interests, both inside and outside the accommodation, to carry on with existing hobbies, pursuits and relationships, and to explore new avenues and experiences.
  • In group living settings, all residents are entitled to use the dining room, the communal lounges, and the grounds of the scheme but those who wish, may remain in their own rooms.
  • Residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms with small items of furniture and other possessions, and individual preferences in matters of decoration and furnishings are encouraged.
  • In partnership with residents, social and leisure activities will be designed to form the basis of the communal content of the life of the scheme/service.
  • Friendships among residents will be facilitated and it is hoped that service users will enjoy being part of a community, but there is no compulsion on a resident to join in any of the communal social activities.
  • Recognise that risk-taking is a vital and often enjoyable part of life and of social activity. Some residents will wish to take certain risks despite or even because of his/her disability. Brookevale does not aim to provide a totally risk-free environment, though care will be taken to ensure that resdients are not subjected to unnecessary hazards. When a residents wishes to take part in any activity which could involve risk, a thorough risk assessment will be carried out with that individual, involving relatives, friend or representative, if desired and Brookevale will agree and record all agreed outcomes which will appropriately balance the factors involved. Risk assessments will be regularly reviewed, with the participation of all parties. 
  • For the benefit of all resdients and staff, the communal areas of the accommodation are designated as non-smoking.
  • Residents may smoke in designated smoking areas only. 
  • There may be a charge associated with some social activities and services; where this applies, the details will be made clear to the service user in advance.

Accessing education, training and employment

  • All residents in Brookevale will have the opportunity to attend attend day care/ college/ educational programmes. 
  • All residents are encouraged to take part in activities which promote independence and develop social skills. These are developed in accordance with the residents abilities and interests. 
  • All Residents will be afforded the opportunity to avail of educational and training opportunities as they so wish.
  • All Residents will be afforded the opportunity to avail of supports from Care staff to source suitable employment as they so wish.

Facilities which provided

Brookvale House is a residential home, providing care and support for up to 7 adults
with an intellectual disability who may have associated physical disability.

  • Brookvale House has a team leader on duty 24 hours per day. Brookvale House Team
    leader’s staffs are qualified and experienced Social Care practitioners who work as a
    team to provide high quality care to residents. Our Staff Care is committed to the
    ongoing training and professional development of the staff and regular scheduled
    supervision of staff members in order to facilitate high standards of care for all service
    users within the service.
  • Team leaders are assisted by a team of support workers.
  • Some residents attend offsite Day Care Services. All other service users remain
    onsite and are offered person-centred activities throughout the day. All residents
    are empowered to enjoy everyday living, irrespective of the complexity of their needs.
    This is evidence based through the setting of person centred outcomes which are
    measured on a regular basis to evidence achievement.
  • We are committed to the ongoing training and professional development of all
    staff. There will be monthly scheduled supervision of all staff members in order to
    facilitate high standards of care for all residents within the service

Services provided

We work with residents, and his/her friends, relatives or representatives (if
appropriate) to draw up a written plan of the support the organisation will aim to provide. The plan sets out the resident’s needs, risks that need management; support/care provided and desired outcomes. This is reviewed monthly to ensure all needs are assessed and revised.

Each resident is provided with a copy of his/her assessment and plan and is encouraged to participate as fully as possible in the support planning process. It is a priority that all residents are supported and are able to access this information in a user friendly format and in a language that is age appropriate to aid them in their understanding.

Prior to the commencement of residency at Brookvale House, a risk assessment is carried out with all residents and agreed upon by social workers. This risk assessment is reviewed on an individual level regularly particularly when there have been significant changes to the individual’s life.

At least once a month, each residents’s plan is reviewed. There is a formal review process at 6 weeks after first placement and at least annually thereafter. An emergency review can be convened at any time. From time to time further assessments of the residnet’s needs are required to ensure that the support provided by the organisation is relevant to helping the service user achieve his/her full potential.

All residents are empowered to enjoy everyday living, irrespective of the complexity of their needs. This is evidence based through the setting of person centred outcomes which are measured on a regular basis to evidence achievement. The staffing of the centre reflects the care and support needs of the service users which are outlined in their personal plans.

Property Description

As you enter the front door of the house, there is a lounge area to the right and left.
The kitchen is directly in front and comprises of a dining area. The utility room is
accessible from the kitchen area. There are two hallways in the property. The front
hallway comprises of 2 offices and 3 En-Suite Bedrooms. The rear hallway comprises
of 4 bedrooms, three of which are en-suite, and 2 store areas. Between, there is a
hotpress, a communal bathroom and a separate WC room. There is a large sensory
garden at the rear of the property and a large paved area.

Management and Staffing

A person centred approach to resident’s needs is implemented and each resident will have a named key worker. Staff are available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week with 2 or 3 staff on shift during the day and one at night plus a sleep in TL. A Team Leader will be rostered on each shift 24/7 and they will provide effective leadership, supervision and management to a team of support workers ensuring that the practical, physical and emotional needs of the Residents are met.

The Person in Charge is available during administration hours 9am-5pm

There is an on-call system in place. The on-call rota will always be found at the front of the Rota Folder. Management on-call systems are in place for annual leave, sick leave or days off. There is also a Head of Operations and Director on-call system at all times. Details are again found in the Rota Folder.
Further information on the service can be found in the Residents Handbook.


Management Team
Director of Care (Operations): 
Regional Director of Care: 
PPIM Brookvale : 
Person in Charge of Brookvale: Tracey Magure
Complaints Officer: 
Data Protection Officer: 
Designated Safeguarding Officer: Tracey Maguire
Champion Safeguarding Officer: 

Dealing with complaints

All residents have their own En-suite bedrooms apart from one. Each bedroom is private and no other resident is allowed access to another service user’s bedroom
without their consent.

  •  Personal care is attended to, in each service users own bedroom/en-suite or in a bathroom.
  • Access to the internet/telephone/mail/visitors is permissible to all service users at
    all times unless specific restricitions are in place.
  • Personal records are maintained for each service user on their daily routines,
    personal information and reports from external professionals.
  •  Independence and autonomy is promoted and maintained for all service users at all
  •  Personal belongings are stored as service users wish within their homes in an
    informed consented manner.
  •  At the service user monthly meeting, service users are given the opportunity to
    speak openly about all matters and raise any concerns they may have. Staff will also
    use these meetings to update the service users on any previous actions or other
    relevant information. Details of daily activities, menu options etc. are presented to
    the service user through pictorial menu, activity and welcome boards.
  •  All information is in a format that is appropriate to the information and
    communication abilities of each person living in the residential service.


The person in charge is Ryan Morgan and the person participating in management is ???????, they are the designated complaints officers.

Within Brookevle House individuals with complaints may directly approach ???? or Tracey with their complaint.

Tracey can be contacted in writing at 3 Woodlands, Co. Monaghan, or via email ??????

????? can be contacted in writing at 3 Woodlands, Co. Monaghan, or via email at ???????


Mobile:047 30881

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