Millbrook House

Residency details
Millbrook provides 24 hour care and support to seven adults (both male and female) with disabilities. The service is an accessible bungalow on the outskirts of a large town in Co. Monaghan comprising of a fully furnished sitting room, a relaxation room, a visitor’s room and a large fully equipped kitchen/dining room and utility room. The house has two large communal bathrooms and seven bedrooms, two of which are ensuite. At the rear of the building there is a semi independent living unit where one resident resides.
There are large garden areas to the rear of the premises and adequate parking facilities at the front of the building. The service has its own transport so as to support residents to avail of community-based activities and take trips to nearby towns. It is staffed on a 24/7 basis by a full-time person in charge, a team of staff nurses and healthcare care assistants.
Registered Bed Numbers: The maximum number of persons that may be accommodated is 7.
Age range of residents to be accommodated: Milbrook offers accommodation to residents aged 18 years old or over.
Gender of residents to be accommodated: Woodlands offers accommodation for male and female residents.
Management and Staff
A person centred approach to resident’s needs is implemented and each resident will have a named key worker. Staff are available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week with 2 or 3 staff on shift during the day and one at night plus a sleep in TL. A Team Leader will be rostered on each shift 24/7 and they will provide effective leadership, supervision and management to a team of support workers ensuring that the practical, physical and emotional needs of the Residents are met.
The Person in Charge is available during administration hours 9am-5pm
There is an on-call system in place. The on-call rota will always be found at the front of the Rota Folder. Management on-call systems are in place for annual leave, sick leave or days off. There is also a Head of Operations and Director on-call system at all times. Details are again found in the Rota Folder.
Further information on the service can be found in the Residents Handbook.
- CEO: ???
- Director of Care (Operations): ??
- PPIM Woodlands : ???
- Person in Charge of Donagh House: ???
- Complaints Officer: ??
- Designated Safeguarding Officer: ?????
Dealing with complaints
All residents have their own En-suite bedrooms apart from one. Each bedroom is private and no other resident is allowed access to another service user’s bedroom without their consent.
- Personal care is attended to, in each service users own bedroom/en-suite or in a bathroom.
- Access to the internet/telephone/mail/visitors is permissible to all service users at
all times unless specific restricitions are in place. - Personal records are maintained for each service user on their daily routines,
personal information and reports from external professionals. - Independence and autonomy is promoted and maintained for all service users at all
times. - Personal belongings are stored as service users wish within their homes in an
informed consented manner. - At the service user monthly meeting, service users are given the opportunity to
speak openly about all matters and raise any concerns they may have. Staff will also
use these meetings to update the service users on any previous actions or other
relevant information. Details of daily activities, menu options etc. are presented to
the service user through pictorial menu, activity and welcome boards. - All information is in a format that is appropriate to the information and
communication abilities of each person living in the residential service.
The person in charge is ???? and the person participating in management is ???????, they are the designated complaints officers.
Within Millbrook House individuals with complaints may directly approach ???? or ???? with their complaint.
???? can be contacted in writing at Millbrook House, Drumcoask, Monaghan, H18 PF68, or via email ??????
????? can be contacted in writing at Millbrook House, Drumcoask, Monaghan, H18 PF68
or via email at ???????