Monaghan Branch of Parents and Friends of Persons with an Intellectual Disability was established in 1966 to provide services for persons with an intellectual disability in Co. Monaghan and began providing housing in 1993.

Monaghan Branch of Parents and Friends of Persons with an Intellectual Disability now has a number of group homes throughout Monaghan that are fully integrated into the local community and provide high quality housing to people with intellectual disabilities. Some of these group homes are shown


house3 house2

Brookvale House and Millbrook House, two group homes built and managed by Monaghan Branch of Parents and Friends of Persons with an Intellectual Disability. Brookvale House was officially opened by President Mary McAleese in January 2008.


Donagh House, Monaghan Branch of Parents and Friends of Persons Monaghan Branch of Parents and Friends of Persons with an Intellectual Disability was established in 1966 to provide services for persons with an intellectual disability in Co. Monaghan and began providing housing in 1993. Monaghan Branch of Parents and Friends of with an Intellectual



No 3 Woodland Monaghan

Woodland’s was purchased in 2021 and is the latest house owned by Monaghan Parents and Friends. Woodland’s is now the home to 4 residents.


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